附近地标:皇城酒店公寓, 金豪大厦, 跳蚤市场
附近地标:皇城酒店公寓, 金豪大厦, 跳蚤市场
酒店简介:沈阳市--中国辽宁省省会,东北地区政治、经济、文化、交通中心。具有地 理位置优越,资源丰富,交通发达,城市功能完备等优势。沈阳作为中国最后一 个封建王朝——清王朝的古都,距今已有2000多年的历史,是中国著名的历史文 化名城。    沈阳皇城商务酒店坐落于市中心商务及金融区黄金地段,毗邻市政协,和平 区政府,太原街商业区,以唯我独尊的气派矗立在这片充满魅力的热土上。酒店 距沈阳火车站、客运站仅需5分钟车程,距沈阳桃仙机场仅20公里,交通十分便 利 。酒店按照四星级标准重新装修,由香港皇城国际酒店管理有限公司提供专业 及 现代化的管理服务。酒店别具匠心的设计尽显您的尊贵和高尚,色彩淡雅、装 饰 精美的客房设施为您提供倍感舒适、温馨的私人空间和超凡享受;设备先进、 功 能齐全的娱乐及康乐设施令您舒展身心,独享悠闲。荟萃中西的餐饮设施及专 业 体贴的服务让你溶于醇醪佳肴之中而尽显富庶。    Shenyang - The capital city of Liaoning Province as well as the political, economic, culture and transportation hub in North East China. It has the advantages of superior geographical location, abundant resources, welldeveloped transportation networks and complete functionality of a modern city. As the ancient capital of the last imperial Ching dynasty, has a history of over 2000 years and is famous for its cultural relic.     The Royal Hotel Shenyang is situated in the city center,Supreme location of commercial and financial activities, and in the close vicinity of local government administrative offices, Tai Yuan Street commercial district. The hotel is proudly soars over this historical area.. It only takes a 5-minute drive from the hotel to the train station and tourist terminal whilst the Shenyang airport is only 20 miles away. Hotel is newly renovated according to 4-star hotel standard. It is managed by Hong Kong Royal Hotel Management . Co. Ltd. which provides expertise and modern management services for business travelers. The tasteful design of the hotel reflects your elegance and prestige. The furnished rooms as well as the advanced multi function entertainment and recreational facilities offer...