附近地标:金港国际, 居安写字楼, 花卉市场
附近地标:金港国际, 居安写字楼, 花卉市场
酒店简介:最初性价比是唯一,后来少数人开始追求极致奢华享受,而如今对于越来越多的商务人士来说,更注重的是独特与私秘。 奥祥(北京)酒店管理有限公司--北京首家以客房为主的时尚商务酒店,室内装潢以时尚简洁为重心,装饰华丽,并轻轻缀以浪漫的色彩,房内配有内嵌式冰箱、消毒柜、微波炉、电磁炉.热水壶、洗衣机、保险柜,43寸高科技平面液晶电视机及DVD随心选看高清晰影音时空、豪华沐浴用品,精品时尚卫生洁具,以及喷淋花洒设施,免费享用迷你吧饮料、巧克力、方便面等休闲食品,并增设卫星电视及高速上网。 Beijing olsen service apartment is the first lifestyle hotel in Beijing which offers refreshing accommodation at affordable rates. Our rooms are unique in their innovative decoration and modern colours. The comfort we offer breather life into the clichéd home-away-from-home. Each room is equipped with in-room Refrigerator, Microwave Oven, Induction Cooker, Hot Water Kettle, Washing Machine and Electronic Safe. Soft lighting combined with 43-inch flat LCD TV and DVD player will make your evening relaxed and entertaining. Our complimentary luxury bath products bring the best in body care at your disposal. Each room is stocked with complimentary snack and drinks mini-bar. 24-hour satellite television and high-speed internet access ensure that you don’t have to step out of your comfort zone. Whatever you need, we will deliver to your room. Located in Central Business District, South East corner of International Trade Bridge in the north ITC CBD, we are only 15 minutes away from the Beijing Railway Station and 30 minutes away from Capital International Airport. We value your time and guarantee smooth check-in and checkout. In our vicinity we have International Trade Center, Jianwai SOHO, super markets such as Carrefour, shopping malls and a number of restaurants. Whether you are looking for short stay or long stay, olsen will offer you unmatched style, comfort and convenience. 凡入住当天的客人酒店免费赠送矿泉水2瓶。